Social Media Safety

As part of the Meet an Astronaut competition the entries will be shared  in  places like Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms. This gives the competition an exciting dimension as we can encourage everyone in the community to share and discuss their entries.

Here are five commonsense tips to help you stay safe online:

  1. Pick a password that no one can guess. Include a mix of capital letters and numbers. Don’t just pick your best friend or pet’s name!
  2. Never give away personal information. Keep important details like your age, address and interests to yourself and change your Facebook privacy settings so that only friends can see your information.
  3. Think twice before posting rude or embarrassing photos of you, our friends or family. You don’t know who might see them or who might share them.
  4. Remember that people are not always who they seem. So only allow people you know in real life to be a ‘friend’ online. And never arrange to meet someone you have only ever spoken to on the internet.
  5. Parents – install parental control software on your computer which will block inappropriate sites and allow you to monitor your child’s online activities.
Further information:

You can find tips on internet safety for children, parents and teachers at the ThinkUKnow site, supported by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP)

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