
Welcome to the Aero Society Channel
from the Royal Aeronautical Society.

The Aero Society Channel gives audiences around the globe a chance to experience and interact with the Royal Aeronautical Society.

You can use the Channel in many different ways. Track Society activities and access a selection of recordings from prestigious lectures given at the Society’s prestigious headquarters in Central London. Listen to talks from business leaders, academics at the head of their fields and even the occasional astronaut! Discover when you can attend free lectures and other events at 4 Hamilton Place, in Mayfair, London. Interact with a global network of 64 Branches and Divisions. Find out about Branch events worldwide and throughout the UK.

Interested in membership? The Channel also provides information and support for those who wish to become a member of the Royal Aeronautical Society.

Social Networks

There is a wealth of knowledge here on the Aero Society Channel. Why not share the wealth? With a few clicks, you can bookmark and share everything on the Channel within your favourite social networks.

Comments and discussion

The Channel is an open community space where conversation is encouraged. At the bottom of each page, you will find a discussion section. Add your comment or question and begin to engage with society affiliates, members and other visitors.


Email subscription to the Channel is the easiest way to keep track of new media content and activities on the Channel, and its FREE! Subscribers receive an e-broadcast every calendar month, to tell them about new recorded talks and new excerpts from the Society’s exclusive publications along with all the other activities on the Channel. Subscribe by email


The Aero Society Channel was initially launched in 2008 and has been growing ever since. If this is your first time on the Channel, please browse and listen to some the prestigious lectures recorded at the Royal Aeronautical Society’s headquarters.


As the importance of social media continues to grow, we hope that you will help us grow the Channel along with it. If you have a general interest or work in aviation and aerospace and the associated disciplines, we would appreciate your participation. Even just a visit now and then.

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